Monday, March 1, 2010


Tomorrow, I will administer the Indiana State-Wide Testing for Educational Progress (otherwise known as ISTEP+ to Hoosiers) to eighth graders . We have told them to get a good night's sleep, eat a good protein-filled breakfast, drink plenty of water, and give their best effort on the test. Still, as an educator, I must ask, "Is this all I can do this week?"

There is no doubt that I have been teaching the appropriate concepts every day this year. I have worked with students individually and in small groups. I have taught, encouraged, haggled, retaught, quizzed, reviewed, tested, and scaffolded new learning by providing concepts step-by-step providing a strong foundation for new learning as we progressed through the school year. I have done my work. So...why do I feel like I need to do even more this week?

The reason I perceive for this happening...accountability. My work with my students is being scrutinized and evaluated by the scores they receive on their ISTEP tests. This makes me just a little nervous. I just have to remember that true "education" is what is left after all the "learning" has been left behind. I sure hope that my students' true "education" come to the front of their big brains during test time!

Excellence is exemplified when one expects more of him/herself than others do.

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